Guillaume Benoit
One of the original founders who works on Pamac and related software management tools. Prefers working with the Gnome stack.

Frede Hundewadt
Frede is the author of pacman-mirrors, he does software maintenance and helps in the forum.

Josh Crowder
ARM Developer
Collaborates on ARM editions, tools and infrastructure.

Tobias Schramm
ARM Kernel Developer
Wrote mainline Linux kernel support for the Pinebook Pro, hardware and electronics debugging, works on ARM device support.

Furkan Kardame
ARM Developer
Collaborates on ARM editions, tools and infrastructure.

Ray Sherwin
ARM Developer
Works on Raspberry Pi devices and kernels.

past contributors

Roland Singer
Roland was one of the founders and developed the initial infrastructure and tools.

Ramon Buldó
Ramon initially developed Manjaro Settings Manager with kde integration.

Hugo Posnic
Hugo was the author of manjaro hello and manjaro-web-repo along with contributions for pacman-mirrors and public relations in trade shows.

Jonathon Fernyhough
Jonathon was involved with 32bit builds package maintenance and the forum.

Dan Johansen
Dan was involved in ARM builds and testing.

Oğuz Kağan Eren
Oğuz was the wiki maintainer and developer of some native applications.

Bogdan Covaciu
Bogdan is the author of our friendly mascot, worked on all design related projects from wallpapers to media pamphlets, software testing and forum moderation.